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      T r a i n i n g   G a m e s


 A Chinese proverb says: "Tell me, and I'll forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I'll understand."




            What are training games?


 Training games are games that trainers play to make teaching and learning or training interesting and keep participants actively engaged in all activities. 

The training game allows you to see and experience  learning in better ways and be aware of various learning aspects.

a presenter

a manager

a supervisor

a teacher

a student

a trainer

Training games are used by many such as:





But, this website is designed for school teachers, who constantly search for creative and innovative ways to engage their    students into better learning.







                                           Think, if a teacher deliver his or her important lessons without any fun activity.



                                                                  Will your students enjoy your lessons?






                                                                Do you think you enjoy teaching a plain structured lesson everyday?




             The point is "Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school"

  Albert Einstein

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