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        Examples cont...


                                                            Grab bag skits


  • To encourage creativity

  • To improve communication skills

  • To encourage teamwork

  • To enhance listening skills


Divide the participants in groups of 6-10 members and distribute a small skit bag in each group. The group then take out all the items in the bag and prepare a skit creatively to be presented to the whole class after 10 minutes.

The groups can use all or most of the items in the bag and make a story to share. In order to make sure all participants have a role to play in the skit, they must work as a team.

(example group 1’s bag contains a pair of scissors, comb, penny, pen, notepad, postcard of a car, house, etc…) This group create a short skit and present to the whole class.


Note: This training game encourage participants to step out of their confined thinking box and do something creative and become more productive.

It builds teamwork, helps them to work collaboratively and help each other to feel more comfortable with their teammates to perform well.




                                                  Spot the changes in 40 seconds in your partner




  • To encourage students to observe carefully

  • To improve concentration skills

  • To help to speak politely



Line the participants in two rows facing each other.

The game starts when one row(line) turns away giving the 40 seconds to the second line to change 10 things in them. (Example; jewelries, clothing, belongings swapping with other members or on themselves or switching places/position on themselves).  

After the 40 seconds, the line 1 turns around and observe the partner in line 2 for all ten changes.

The 10 changes should be spotted in 40 seconds, the maximum spotter is then awarded.


Note: This game can be played twice, enabling all the members to take part in both roles (as change-artist and spotter). This game help learners to pay attention and concentrate on specific details, which then helps them to do well in their performance.


Shuffle Left, Shuffle Right (action and reflection)



  • To encourage to think quickly

  • To motivate to reflect upon past sessions

  • To improve memory skills

  • To help to communicate




Ask the class to form one big circle. Groups may decide to place their arms around their neighbors, hold hands, or just stand unconnected next to each other.

The teacher offers the group the chance to have their say.‘ This may be related to a particular question, or the previous activity, or be open to any viewpoint that a student in the group wishes to share.

If needed, teacher can lead (demonstrate the play).

The activity begins with the group shuffling to the left.

At some point, the teacher say- stop!and then gives his/her comment to the group.

Next, they say―shuffle right,and the entire group shuffles right, until someone else says―

stop and has their say.



Note:This activity helps participants to enhance their memory and also enjoy bodily movement during a reviewing session, it maintains the energy of the group, and keep those high energy students engaged by being active.



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