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                                                                      Three Questions



  • To encourage students to question a point of view

  • To help improve general communication skills

  • To encourage quick thinking skill

  • To encourage & improve rebuttal skills

  • To encourage listening skills



Everyone in the group writes down 3 provoking questions they would like to ask others in the group.

Not the normal “what’s you name” type questions but something like, "Where is the most interesting place you have ever traveled" or "Name a topic you feel absolutely passionate about".

Give them time to mingle, and to ask three different people in the group one of their three questions using different strategies and prompts.

Get back together and have each person stand and give their name. As they say their name, ask the group to tell what they know about this person.


Note: This game is good to introduce participants and encourage more interaction for further involvements and learning.



                                                                        The Pocket/Purse Game



  • To help students improve general communication skills

  • To encourage students think creatively and logically

  • To encourage listening skills



Everyone selects one (optionally two) items from their pocket or purse that has some personal significance to them.

Everyone in the group take a turn to introduce themselves and do a show for the selected items.

As the participant show the selected item to the group friends, he/she tells why it is important to him or her.


Note: This game allows every participants to communicate effectively and help to justify with appropriate explanations.



                                                                         Three in Common Game


  • To encourage peer assessment

  • To encourage memory skills

  • To improve vocabulary and communication skill

  • To encourage listening skills



Break the class in a small group of 3’s.

Ask each group  to find 3 things they have in common. But not normal things like age, sex or hair color.

Once the participants have the three common things,  let the groups converse for 10-15 minutes.

Then, they (as a group) must tell the rest of the groups the 3 things they have in common.


Note: This game helps the participants to interact and build team to learn from each other. It encourage participants to appreciate and value views and opinions.



                                                                         Marooned Game



First, the trainer gives a situation . Example; "You are marooned on a island. What five (you can use a different number, such as seven, depending the size of each team) items would you have brought with you if you knew there was a chance that you might be stranded."

Ask the participants to have their items either drawn or write their items' name on a flip chart.

The participants discuss and defend their choices with the whole group.

Make sure all the participants discuss and defend their choices.


Note: This type of game encourage participants to think critically and defend their judgement.


                                                                         Yes, and ...


  • To encourage critical and creative thinking

  • To motivate communication freely

  • To engage in longer conversation

  • To enjoy speaking and listening




The “Yes, and…” story telling exercise can be carried out by two people or more and builds especially on the “Don’t deny” principle. One person starts with one sentence of a story, and the next person builds on that, either bouncing back and forth between two people or circling around in a larger group.You can take the story in any direction, as long as it builds on top of the previous sentence with a “yes, and…” take off.


Note: This training game helps participants to be creative and attentive. It promotes listening skills and creative thinking.



                                                                       Same letter, new sentence



To encourage students to listen carefully

To motivate students to think critically and coherently

To improve attention and class management




Divide the class into smaller groups.

One of the students in the group starts the story.

The rest must listen to the last sentence of the story carefully.

Pay attention to the last letter of the last word  in the last sentence.


A variation of the above exercise, with the difference that the next person builds on top of what’s been said with a sentence that starts with the same letter that the previous sentence ended with.This trains your listening skills even more, since you have to pay full attention till the end of the last sentence to be able to make the correct follow up sentence.

Example;  Participant A says, "An electrical technician was called to a fast food outlet to look at an electrical cabinet at the back of the building."

Participant B continues, "Getting an electrical technician was always a problem those days."

Participant C continues, "Same was the case with getting a car mechanic." Participant D adds, "Cannot agree ...."


Note: This game help participants to listen to details very effectively and it promote logical and critical thinking.

This game also need some norms to keep in mind such as;                                                                                                   

1. Group norms (rules for behavior for effective group functioning)


2. Listening (rules to listen to everyone carefully)


3. Facilitating norms (should be impartial, open-minded, good listener, cordial, honest, trusting, able to see big picture)


4. Recording norms (should be good listener, transcriber, impartial, open-minded, patient)


5. Participating norms (should participate as per the sequence/order number)


Mix and Meet



To improve students to think quick

To motivate to communicate effectively

To engage in longer conversation

To encourage listening



Hand out some M & M coloured cards to each group.

(Each card has different meaning to each colour)


blue= family

green= school

white= friends

yellow= ideal person


brown= music or movies

orange= foods

pink= future plans

Ask students to grab 2/3 cards and then choose one of the topics

Then allow 2 minutes to prepare a short talk on the chosen topic and share their talks to the small group.

The students take turns to speak.


Note: This game allows students to speak confidently. It also encourages students to listen and appreciate others.

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